Friday, March 21, 2014

A meaningful life : A life in God’s desire

How if you die today?
Are you satisfied by what you have done? Or otherwise, too many regrets?
Does your life worthy to others?  Or simply, is it worth even to yourself?

Psalm 90
The Bible said, we will turn back into dust (90:3) , means we will return to the place we belong. We were made from the dust, how fragile and worthless!  Be aware that we are nothing, not a single thing should we boast about.. We were made by God, every talent and blessing were gift from Above. Time, space, knowledge, freedom, all from God. Therefore, we should give our life back to who gave it, to glorify His name. The one who is wise, honor his life to represent God’s kindness and mercy.

A thousand years in Your sight are like yesterday when it passes by (90:4). No matter how long we feel our life is, it’s too short upon God’s eyes. Then how should we use this very short time effectively? If we just do such a mechanic things like sleeping, eating, working, hangout, then we eat again, we sleep again, we work for money again, you will get bored and confuse about life you’re living. Is that a life you think is worthy?  

You have swept them away like a flood, they fall asleep, in the morning they are like grass which sprouts anew. In the morning if flourishes and sprouts anew, toward evening it fades and withers away  (90:5,6). Our life is like a water that is washed, after washed away then nothing…. 
We sleep, we dream, is your dream a reality? It isn’t!! But the eternal hope is a reality.  We are like the grass, flowers. It can grow and flourishes, but in the same day it can dry, withered.  Our life is so fragile, after we die, if we don’t do something remarkable then it just vanished, useless. Only those who do the will of God will have an eternal life.

Let us dedicate our life to God, not to sin and do something worthless. Make your days count as a blessing to others, and represent mercy and love of God. 

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