Ask 100 people in this world : How old do you want to die?? Definitely
the wouldn’t say “it’s okay if I die now”. Everyone has their reason to live longer in this world, whether it’s
because of so many target to catched, develop their business, want to be one of
successful people in history, family matters, and often stated that live in
this world is far more excited than what’s waiting after life. I can conlude
that they just want to live a longest years they could!
Paulus said in Philippians 1: 21, “For to me to live is
Christ, and to die is gain” For Paul, die and meet Jesus is what he want the
most, but until that time come, He just want to live for Jesus, everything that
He do is to glorify God, and to make his life a blessing for other people.

Then now, may you realize and be aware
why we still live in this world… We still have time, not for ourself, but for
Christ and to serve others. Presumably we don’t live to elevate and raise our
name, but learn from Paul and imitate Christ.